Now let’s capture your eyes towards some of the guidelines that an amateur wedding photographer can follow:
- Try to create a shot list – The duo should plan out the shots they would like the photographer to capture.
- Wedding camera work Family Photo Coordinator – Try to nominate a family member who can be the director of your camera work.
- Reconnoitre the Location – Try to visit the location prior the big day so that wedding photographs can be taken tactfully.
- Get Prepared – With wedding photography always remember that “preparation” is a key term there.
- Set proper Expectations with the Couple – Try to show the couple your style of work and know about the key shots they would like to have.
- Turn off the sound of your Camera – Always try to switch off the sound of your camera as it might create disturbance when the bride and groom is posing for a perfect photograph.
- Shoot the Small Detail – Try to shoot small minute details in a photograph such as photograph rings, shoes, flowers, backs of dresses, table settings etc.
- Make Use of Two Cameras – Try to get hold of two cameras for the big day and set them with diverse lens.
- Learn how you can make use of diffused lights
- Try to shoot the whole affair in RAW
- Try to consider your backgrounds well
- To supplement existing light in a scene make use of ‘Fill Flash’
Thus, celebrate your wedding in style with this guide that will help an amateur photographer to shoot a photo.